having seen many impending crisis take forever to play out (if ever) and as i am witnessing the birth of new models of social innovation about to be catalyzed by social media, i wish to take a contrarian approach to the collapse scenario... very simply its based on three observations: 1) technology, media and the flow of ideas are accelerating exponentially and consequently the solutions... 2) we have abundant (not scarce) resources yet they are just not being deployed properly and 3) i am personally witnessing an explosion of 25-32 year olds that are leveraging 1 above to address 2 above. the greatest lagging indicator is mass media who do not see a distributed grass roots movement emerging because it is so grass roots and distributed... while i do not rule out selected collapses (local and state governments for example), they seem to me to be a necessary catalyst for change...and while i fully support the transition movements toward creating resilience, i would not underestimate the resilience of a hyper-connected human species that delights in life.